
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Sigmund Freud's Priorities

My colleague sent me this and thought I share it with you lot. Try it, the outcome is interesting.

Sigmund Freud's Priorities

Five things are happening in your house at the same time. In which sequence would you solve them?
1. The telephone is ringing!
2. The baby is crying!
3. Someone's knocking or calling you from the front door!
4. You hung the clothes out to dry and it is beginning to rain!
5. You left the tap on in the kitchen and the water is already overflowing!

In which sequence would you solve these problems? Write your sequence from 1 to 5 and then compare your answers HERE.


And a sport, share your answers okay ;-)


phab babe said...

Check your answers here.
Every individual point represents something in your life. On the list you can see which meaning every point has:
1. Telephone represents Work
2. Baby represents Family
3. Door represents Friends
4. Clothes represent Money
5. Tap represents Sex

Your chosen sequence determines the priorities in your life.

Now....did you also turn off the tap first ?

phab babe said...

This is my sequence order:
2. Baby = Family
5. Tap = Sex
4. Clothes = Money
3. Door = Friends
1. Telephone = Work

Before you say anything, I have my own logical reason behind my choice. Somehow, my sequence order showed that I'm in favour of sex and money before friends. That's so not true. How could I choose sex and money over friends..hehe.. *wink*.

This part I dont understand - what's water tap got to do with sex? any idea?

Azida said...

Sex Money Family Friends Work

I choose to turn off the tap first as I hate cleaning up a mess, yeah what has water tap got to do with sex?

FARAHana said...

To be honest ar, i keep changing my answer le. At last my answers in sequence order:-

1. Telephone
2. Baby
5. Tap
3. Friends
4. Money

Definitely tak betoi arr..Friends and family mesti number 1/2. Mula-mula ingat nak pilih tap as my number 1 coz aku takut melimpah. Ahaks.

If i can change my answer, i would like to have the sequence like this:-

2. Baby
3. Friends
4. Money
5. Tap
1. Telephone

Aku tak cheat ye..


diLs said...

check out mine:
2. Baby = Family
5. Tap = Sex
3. Door = Friends
4. Clothes = Money
1. Telephone = Work

well i absolutely think sex is a priority ahaks!

tap and sex ~ overflowing, rushing, running water? oo i'm soo good at this :-))

phab babe said...

Fun isnt it? I guess we all sort of think alike.

Most of us put telephone/work the last..make sense, since these days ppl can leave voicemail or call again. We turn off the tap first since we dun want to make a mess of our house.

I also compared my answers with colleague at work, seems like the girls put tap as priority since they just dun want to clean up the mess. Whereby the guys didnt seems to have that thinking. Maybe they just not that into sex afterall..heheh