
Monday, May 21, 2007

Counting Down The Days

No monday blues feeling today...I woke up bright and cheerful. I'm all excited because in less than 4 days I'll be flying back to my home sweet home. Wuuhhhooooo Yeeeehhhooooo!

I cant wait to see my family. Cant wait to see my baby, Nuk. Cant wait to meet up with my darling friends. Cant wait to enjoy good Malaysian fusion food. Cant wait to breathe the warm humid polluted air ;-). Cant wait to drive my Kancil. Basically, I just cant wait to be home again.

By the way, did I mention that I'm coming home with that special someone *wink*. So, I have to make my visit this time extra special. So, my to-do/to-visit list is going to be a long one this time.These are some of it:
  • Drink air kelapa
  • Feast on durian and other local fruits
  • Banana leaf rice treat
  • Teh tarik, nasi kandar and roti telur at mamak
  • Nasi lemak for breakfast
  • Cendol in Taiping
  • Secret Recipe treat - cheesecake and soba
  • Yong Tau Foo
  • Steamboat
  • Treat at a seafood restaurant - havent decide where yet.
  • Visit to pasar malam
  • Visit KLCC and Petronas Tower bridge - Dilla, since u r working there, u know any easy way to get ticket for the bridge?
  • Meal in KL Tower revolving restaurant
  • Climb steps in that Batu Cave temple..what is it called?
  • Visit to Dataran Merdeka and places around it (e.g: Sultan Abdul Samad building, Jalan TAR, CM,etc.)
  • Mandatory visit to shopping complex - The Curve maybe
  • Visit to Low Yat plaza to hunt for bargains
  • Visit to Royal Town Kuala Kangsar
  • Visit to Taiping - reminisce my childhood memories
  • Visit to Gua Tempurung
  • Visit to Pangkor - enjoy beach, try jet skiing and snorkelling
  • Ride on LRT
  • Visit to Bangsar - meet up with friends and 'karaoke'ing, if time permits
That's all I can think of for now. Basically, the activities I planned are all around KL and Perak. Sounds boring, huh? I know. I'm so unadventureous. So, could you all please help me with ideas and suggestions. I'm seriously desperate for ideas! The thing is, I'm only coming home for 10, my friends are all busy working and I dont know places that much. So, I'm pretty much stuck. So, keep the ideas/suggestions coming ok..

Anyway, that doesnt stop me from feeling excited jumping up and down ;-)

P/S: To my friends (you know who you are)...our gathering plan on Wednesday, 30th May in Bangsar is definitely on. Meet up at Delicious right? Have we make booking for karaoke?


Azida said...

Yay! Can't wait to hangout with the gang! I don't think your plan is boring la uma, I wish I can enjoy like that.. (plus having it with that special someone.. *double wink*)

diLs said...

as for the sky-bridge tickets, u need to be at the counter (situated next to maybank ~take the escalator down from the tower lobby) early morning to avoid disappointment. I can take u there also but kena formal wear la and during office if we are having a meeting like that :-)

and the karaoke, i have yet to book the room.

anyways, for dinner..we are going to the new Delicious outlet in Bangsar Village 2. The one i proposed earlier was in Bangsar Village 1. Both are next to each other aje. The new outlet is more spacious and hopefully can fit all of us in one table. Don't worry about the food, tasted them last weekend and it remains excellent!

Suma org tau kan where Bangsar Village 2 is?

phab babe said...

Dilla..thanks for the heads up. Btw, kene dress up formal ke nak pi bridge tower tu? i tot smart casual je. Tu la kene pi awal kan kalau nak tiket tu..i'll try to get there before 8. Hope I can find the place to queue for the ticket..kalo aku tak jumpe, ill give u a call ok..

Brilliant! Delicious it is..I think I know wer bagsar Village 2 is..Takpe, I will have Ainul with insya allah tak sesat kut ;-)

phab babe said...

Eh since bile la kome ni belajo panggil aku Uma..usually stone and wahiza je call me that name..

diLs said...

if i were to take you to the bridge as if we are having a meeting at my office then kena formal wear la..if u managed to get the passes from counter then smart casual it is..

networld name for u is uma la babe :-)

phab babe said...

Dilla..ahhh, I see what you mean now. So, in case kalau queue pjg sangat or kalau aku tak dapat tiket, ko bole le bawak kiteorg pi bridge eh? Ok Ok set..ko tak kisah ke? Dressing formally not a prob ;-)

Azida said...

ntah mcm best plak panggil ko uma..

FARAHana said...


Best gak bace..'

Aku excited as well..

Aku kene start 'brush up' my english..

Mesti kelakar giler aku struggle nak cakap english..

Au mesti sedaya upaya menahan untuk tidak ckp ' you think you being funny, mate?' in British accent.

Pasai sky bridge tuh, aku pun nak pg gak, excited gak.. Bab pakai formal tuh, aku rase khakis pun bleh kan??

Aku tak pasti nak parking kat Bangsar Village 2 kat ner..

diLs said...

Bangsar Village 1 & 2 are opposite each other, 1 is on the right and 2 on the left. Just turn left then u'll see the basement parking. U won't get lost one!

Norwanie said...

Umie... for the seafood restaurant, can i suggest Fatty Crab. The chilie crab is fabulous, seriously fabulous.

Another one, how about visiting Putrajaya? They have a dinner cruise. You can ask Ms Azida regarding the cruise.

If i have some more ideas, i'll let u know. Can't wait for the reunion.