
Friday, May 11, 2007


It's Friday afternoon and feeling rather sleepy. So I thought I write my 4 Meme..

4 Jobs I've Had:
Engineer, Shopkeeper, Engineer..that's all..

4 Movies I Could Watch Over and Over:
The Replacements, Blood Diamond, Ghost, Sorority Boys

4 Places I have Lived:
Taiping, Bainun's Hostel, KL, Plymouth

4 TV Shows I Would Love to Watch:
Meow Mix House, Heroes, Finale of Invasion, Oprah

4 Places I have been on Vacation:
Some parts of Japan, France, Spain, UK

4 Websites I Visit Daily: forum, friends' blogs, news sites, my online bank accounts

4 of My Favorite Foods:
Mum's cooking, cheese, miso soup, Walkers cheese & onion

4 Places I Would Rather Be:
Home in Ipoh with family & Nuk by my side, my snuggly bed, nice sunny beach with clear blue water, lepak at mamak enjoying teh tarik and gossiping with my girl friends ;-)

4 Albums I Cannot Live Without
Err...does family picture album count?


Azida said...

Umie.. I love cheese too.. in fact, the reason I love beef queso so much is because its dip is made of beef + cheese! Let's enjoy the cheesy beef queso together!

FARAHana said...

Sedapnyer beef queso. Eh, umi..lame giler kan ko tak update blog ko? Busy banget yek??

phab babe said...

wah..mesti sedap beef queso tu kan..ok no hal..nanti aku balik bole le kome belanje aku beef queso..ok set!

Aku bz le ainul..too many things happening right now with work. so, i dont have anything interesting to share..but no worries, i will update my blog when i have the chance

diLs said...

eh korang perasan tak, kita dah lama tak lepak at mamak and enjoying a glass of creamy guilt-free teh tarik? hmm can't recall the last time i went to mamak also