
Saturday, August 18, 2007


These few months have been a mind-boggling, challenge-thinking and mind-opening time for me. I've been contemplating and walking back and forth to search for THE answer but to no avail, I still can't figure it out.

You must be wondering what the hell am i crapping about. Well my friends, I'm actually searching for some answer, hint and guidance... because right now I'm at a stage where I'M NOT REALLY HAPPY WITH WHAT I'M DOING NOW. I'M NOT SURE WHAT I WANT TO DO IN MY LIFE AND WHAT I WANT TO BE. These silly thoughts has caused me headaches and sleepless nights. You might think that I'm one of those women who think too much. But i've tried not to think about it. I've tried to go with the flow with my daily life routine but im just not happy with it. The aura of misery and feeling unfulfilled keep hovering my mind. I go to work everyday and feel that this is not what i want to do/be. I feel so lost and dont have a clue how to rectify it.

I worked hard to be where I am now. I achieved a lot and I lost a lot too but I never regret my life journey. However, I feel that my life is not really how I want it to be.

Dont get me wrong, i'm not entirely unhappy with my life. There are some areas where I feel blissfully happy and content. I'm thankful for that. It helps keeping me going and motivated.

So I thought I post my thoughts here hoping in return I will get some wise honest advice from you readers. Please share your stories..shed some light. I'm desperately waiting for my lightbulb switch to be triggered.


Really appreciate your time for reading my post. Thank you fellas.


Azida said...

i feel exactly the same way before.. what ur feeling right now is perhaps the Almighty's way of telling u that there will be something big happening soon..

u know what uma, just let it be.. keep on praying and true enough, the answer will come to u very very soon..

phab babe said...

Thanks azida..your comment almost made me burst into tears. It makes me feel i'm not alone feeling the way I'm feeling now

Ezan a.k.a Anee said...

Do things that make you happy, my dear. Avoid all those that u don't like.

Some people think, career, money is the happiness that they are looking for. But some is the other way round. As long as what you do, does make you happy...please continue...If not, please do things that can make you happy as life is short.Perhaps, do thing that you don't like and make you unhappy, is actually make you sick more..Enjoy what you want now or else you will regret it.

For me, work/career is no longer priority to me anymore. Priority and happiness now is my family. I work for the sake of my commitment that i have commit. Once I'm done with it, I will definitely do what i'm dreaming off for long.

pray hard, isthikarah... insyaallah, you will see the path ahead..and Allah will always be with you..and we support you..

Ezan a.k.a Anee said...


I agree with you. This point of time you need to work to fund yourself and for your family. Since you are not happy now, why don't you analyse yourself, which job does suits best your personality and to your liking..and which one is not...Or...why don't you do some personality test on what job taht suits you harm trying though.
Anyway, from what i can see now, virtually...u are the kind of people who adores cooking..and to venture into new recipes...this is true rite? If this is true, you can always try to do it as your part time. I know one thing, once u can cook something that is delicious and loved by everyone who eats it...its definitely a satisfaction and happines to yourself.


Anonymous said...

hi uma..

i definitely share the same problem as yours..feel like taking a long break far far away just to rethink about what am i going to do for the rest of my life..but i know it will not do any good..well maybe a little good as u don't have to think about work for a for me..for now i just do what i HAVE to do and try to enjoy it along the way..and by that i mean just keep thinking how good it will be to use all the experiences, the knowledge and the networking that i have and maybe someday use it to start on a new venture that will solely lead by a very happy me n me alone..

Hope this will be a little help for u as well uma..

phab babe said...

Thanks my friends for all your brilliant advice..Im so glad I shared this with you all..

I guess I just have to let it be and keep on going..Make the best of whatever I have now and pray that one day something good and big will happen that will transform my life..

I have to find way to ease this worrines too..

FARAHana said...

Sory Umi, it took a while for me to reply to your post. The thing is i've been busy. Umi, that was a question that been pooping in mind for quite sometimes now. I also hoping that someday i might find the answer for that. I do not know exactly what to advice you on this matter. Just keep on praying and hope that someday life will treat you beautifully. Just be happy and you know i always be there for you for good and bad times.