
Monday, July 02, 2007

Money and More Money

About 3 weeks ago, me and my colleagues decided to play Robert Kiyosaki's Cash Flow 101 board game after work. As the title says, the board game is created by Robert know, 'The rich dad, poor dad' dude. The aim of the game is basically to get out of the rat race as soon as possible and achieve the ultimate financial freedom or easier put as to become a millionaire. Forgive me, I'm not very good at expressing my thoughts and I might make this game sounds kinda boring..but trust me Monopoly is even more boring. If you are into investing and making money kinda thing, then I really recommend this game. It was really fun and educational too. It took me and my friends good 5 hours to finish it. In case you are wondering, I didnt win though. But heck, I did learn a lot from it.

Since after playing the game, I've become more eager to achieve my own definition of financial freedom. A simple silly board game and yet, it somehow inspired my financial mindset. It's almost like a wake up call. It hit me that my monthly pay cheque aint gonna make me rich. I have so many things that I want in life and I will need a hefty lot of money to fulfil all my needs and wants. So, I decided it's time to make a change.

From that moment onwards, every possible time I have, I read financial news, articles, whatever..whether from the Internet, books or newspapers. I have to say, amazing wealth of knowledge out there. I read just about anything; share dealing, property investment, financial planning, forex,etc. I also ordered investment books so I can read before bedtime. I even tried doing forex trading with this cool simulation software that allows you to trade with virtual money on real market data. I was really into this.

Let me tell you what I've learned. The biggest lesson I learned is that my knowledge in this area is really shallow. I have to humbly admit that. Before, I always thought I know a lot, but the more I learn, the more I realised that I dont know that much. It make me feel kinda low but hey, suck it up and learn from it.

So, now here I am..still far from my final destination, my own financial heaven. But at least I've started the journey. One step at a time.

The following are other things that I learned. Nothing technical just some thoughts:
1) There is no such thing as easy and quick money maker. If it sounds too good to be true, it usualy is too good to be true.
2) Dumping all your money in those common savings account wont make you rich. Make your money work harder for you. Invest it wisely.
3) Learn before you invest. Don't just simply take other people's word.
4) You dont need millions to start investing. It's ok to invest small. Compound interest and time will work its miracle. All you need is patience.
5) Make sure you have sufficient 'rainy days' fund before even thinking to risk your money.
6) Branded clothing and expensive gadgets doesnt define who I am and who you are as a person. Stop spending so much on it!
7) Money certainly wont buy me happiness but it is the tool to achieve happines ;-)
8) It's ok to discuss about personal financial especially with friends and family. Nothing to be ashamed of. The more you share, the more knowledge you get.

On the last note, my two friends, Azida and Ainul have passed their exam to become unit trust advisors (is that the right title?). I was so excited to know that because for me it means I can 'use' them as my learning tool. So girls, well done and hope you dont mind sharing your knowledge! I'm so proud of you ;-)


FARAHana said...

Dun worry umi, me and azida with consult you with your investment in unit trust. Personally, i would consult you on this. I never want to 'bankrap'kan my friend kan..

Btw,everytime i tried to read rich dad, poor dad, each time tuh le aku mesti tertido. Buku tuh skrg in my box and dusty giler. Ahaks.But i heard about that guy since my amway day. They make this robert guy as their sales guru. I think i will read le rich dad poor dad again..

Good for you,umi. I always know you are the person that brilliant and have guts more than anybody else. NO FEAR...Cool...


Azida said...

Umie.. I have a CD version of the Cashflow 101 and 202.. It's easier and faster because the calculations are done by the computer.. First time I played it, I was made bankrupt, twice! Hahaha!

But like you said, always learn from experience.. Now I can play it easily and get out of the rat race much faster (and definitely dah tak bankrupt dah..)

Azida said...

Btw, Umie, i really love your post there..

FARAHana said...

Eh umi, the branded clothes/items and expensive gadget does not define who you are, but it makes us feel good. Don't you think? I do feel good when I'm wearing branded clothes. It boost up my confidence. I really need those booster. Bukan nak menunjuk2 ke ape. I am not like you..You are full of confidence and very optimistic. Frankly speaking, sometimes i feel kinda sad when people said to me that i want to menunjuk2 or ape ke. You know me better kan, before this i have a very low self esteem...Wearing branded clothes makes me confident. For me le. Maybe not you kot. I don't know.. ;)

Azida said...

i feel the same way too.. wearing nice clothes do make me feel good.. it's not utk menunjuk2..

kesimpulannya, if you see your friend wearing nice clothes, don't criticize her ("ko bolehlah, banyak duit, kaya, blah blah blah" it's kinda annoying you know..)

instead, why don't you support her.. then you and your friend can both feel good..

phab babe said...

see girls..that's what i was meaning. I'm saying this to myself as well..why do we need clothing to make us feel good or confident? I guess it's because we feel insecure inside that we depend on external appearance/materials to make us feel good. And i dont know about you, for me the good feeling is only temporary..and what's worse is that I wasted my money on those things..

I read somewer that women tend to become an emotional spender..our spending habit can easily linked to our emotions. I guess if we are happier with ourselves and love ourselves the way we are.Im sure we wouldnt even care what brand of clothing we wear as longs it does the job and looks nice..and that im sure that wud have save us a hell lot of money..hehhe..

that's just my opinion..membeli biar le berpada2..sometimes to make ourself feel good, we spend beyond our limit..and that's just not right..

I agree with azida, if you see your friends have more than you, dont critisize her..if she has more than you, so what? be happy for her ;-)

FARAHana said...

Umi, no wnder le ko nih banyak duit :). Thanx 4 ur opinion. I'll bear in mind..

phab babe said...

It's just my humble opinion,farah ..not an expert advice

Bile mase la aku bnyk duit. Like everyone else, i have my own personal battle in personal financial. If i'm rich and loaded, i wont be writing this post in the first place ;-)

You girls inspired me a lot in so many ways and you girls always give brilliant and honest opinions (i hope..)..that's why i wouldnt mind sharing my stories in this blog..keep those wise comments coming. i love reading makes me feel im not alone in this world..

FARAHana said...

Honest le..takkan le tak honest...