
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

"6 Things I Wish I Can Do Before I Reach 30"

Azida has posted hers, so now I'm posting mine. I put deep thoughts when creating this list you know.. Thinking about it, it's only 3 years away before I reach 30... *sigh* i'm getting older..arghh..

So, trying to be as realistic and authentic as possible, here is my '6 Things I Wish I Can Do Before I Reach 30':

1) I want to become richer..(who doesnt?)
At near age 27, I think I've improved my skills on money management or at least I've become totally financially independent. So far the only debts I collected are student loan and car loan. So hopefully by 30, I've paid off my car loan, half way to finish off my student loan, have sufficient funds to buy a house I can call my own, increase my financial contribution to my family, earn more salary, give more to charity, step my foot into the investment world and above all, I wish to be a self-made money saving expert

(I want to be richer at heart as well ;-) )

2) I wish to have settled down ar at least be on the verge of settling down
I think i'm ready for the 'partnership' life. I have found the person who has all these criterias -> a brainer, an honest lover, a sincere bestfriend, a trusted banker, an excellent housekeeper and have patience like a saint!

Have I found Mr Right? Honestly, I dont know the answer. But one thing for sure - I'm happy!

Do I think it's gonna work? I hope so. I know it's gonna be a bumpy journey ahead but we are going make it work.

3) I want to treat my family for a holiday
I wish to have enough money to treat my family for a visit to the UK or for a holiday of a lifetime. I want to score super big brownie points with my mum and in return, I hope she loves me even more.

4) For once in my life, I really want to be fit and look sexy. I'm tired of being fat!
I am the kind of person who dont eat anything for the whole month but still looks like a bloated pregnant cow. I guess I'm a naturally fat person and I blame my
2 copies of fat genes . After taking a hard look on myself and after watching too many Oprah, I now no longer yearn to be thin. I just want to be fit and look sexy.

So now, I've taken baby steps towards living healthier. Once I look sexy, I have this ambitious dream which I wish could come true--> I wish to spend one day..just one day in summer, sunbathing on a beautiful beach wearing a sexy bikini and not have to worry about hiding bulges and cellulites. I know it sounds silly..It's only a dream afterall...

(Look how fat I am compare to the pretty lady next to me)

5) Have a long break at home
I want to take a long break(possibly a couple months) at home aka balik kampung. I want to relax and chill out with my family and I want to catch up with my fellow good friends. I've missed out soooo many things when I'm away and I hope to rekindle the relationship again, with my family and with my friends.

I want to visit these places:
- Italy -> Ainul, remember our conversation about Rome..?
- America-> A visit to New York and if possible, I want to attend the Oprah show! Azida, I wouldnt mind a visit to Trump Tower as girls, lets plan a trip to US year ok tak? or 2008? Jom make it happen..
- Fat Duck -> Voted as
The Best Restaurant in the world. It's quite near where I live but dont have the chance to go yet..will have to check it out at some point

Till then, stay phabulous ;-)

Friday, April 13, 2007

Dontcha wish you are a freak like me?

I've been tagged by Azida today..which means I have to list 6 weird things about myself and plus, this smartie girl also came up with this idea of another list - "6 Things You Wish You Can Do Before You Reach 30"..

Basically, the rule is (copy and paste from Farah):

Each player of this game starts out by telling 6 weird things about themselves on their own blog, as well as state the rules clearly. At the end, you will need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list out their names. After you do that, leave them a comment on their blogs letting them know you tagged them.

So here I am, spending my Friday eve blogging..sad isnt it. In a way, I guess it does me good (so I say to comfort myself).. Save me some money from going out and gets the frontal lobe of my brain (which I think has been dormant for quite sometime) some exercise..

I have to tell you it's not easy to find weird things about myself. Because for me, if I found myself having or doing something different from others, I will call myself unique...not a weirdo. Come on, no one wants to be a weirdo..and besides, what is normal these days. Anyway, back to the a quest to find weirdo things about myself, I browsed other ppl's blogs to get some inspiration and I also seek honest opinion from the one person who see the inner and outer side of me better than myself - Alex.

So, after long hard thought..Here are some of the 6 Weird, Freak, Abnormal Things about Me that I manage to discover so far. I'm spilling my own beans here, so please dont judge or look at me weird after this. Despite all these, I'm still a nice person inside, really:

1) Countless number of people have said this to me, "Eugh..Umi, you have freaky fingers" and some of them were really freaked out. I don't know how to explain it, but see the pictures below. Just because I have flexible fingers doesnt mean that I'm weird isnt it..isnt it? Anyway, moving on..

2) Alex told me this. I have this weird obsession with jackets and coats - jumpers, cardigans, summer jackets, winter coats..basically anything related to jackets and coats. I never see this habit as weird but I suppose that's because I never notice it. Only when he told me, I realised that everytime I go out clothes shopping, somehow I manage to get into an autopilot mode - I sort of automatically wander to the jackets section and try them on..every possible options available..The thing is, I don't even buy them and no, I dont have a wardrobe full of jackets..I just fancy looking at them and love trying them that weird? You tell me..

3) I'm a fussy and a neat freak:
  • I have my own style of folding and arranging my clothes... I have my own system when it come to organising my kitchen cupboard and larder..someone messed with my system, I will definitely get ticked off and I tend to express it.
  • I don't hang my jacket/coat on coat hangers at public places... The thought of having my jacket touching some stranger's jackets are rather disgusting...Jackets are outer wear and ppl dont tend to wash them very often. So, I dont know if they ever wash their jackets or when were the last time they wash it..eugh.
4) I'm very particular with food and dining...especially when eating out. I sometimes cried or get really pissed off when my food and dining experience didnt turn out as how I want it to be.

5) Sometimes, when there is no one at home and I'm in my room alone, I'll play some songs on my pc, sing along with it and record it as well. I then listen to my singing again just to check how well I've done..Sometimes, depending on the song choice, I actually feel that my singing wasnt all that bad..but that's just the 'syok sendiri' part of myself talking...

6) I'm just not into babies and kids..I wont dare to say I hate them because I might have my own one day. But until right at this moment, I just dont have the soft spot for them...that's a polite way of wording it. Don't ask me why.. it's just the way I am. Maybe it's the annoying loud cries and all the kaffufle they cause that put me off.

So, basically that's it...all my beans spilled..eeeek, it's quite embarassing actually and I cant believe that it took me all night to come up with all these..oh well..nevermind..

Anyway, I'm exhausted now and the bed looks very inviting...

I'll continue with the other list in my next post..

Till then, stay phabulous...

p/s: I dont have anyone else to tag...

Reply to Farah's post - Here is my home!!

Reply to Farah's post:
See the placemark..That's your 'you know who' house..and my house is the third one to the, there we go..